Thunderstorms & Thunder Chickens

Jake Williams
June 21, 2023
5 min read

We went to find some thunder chickens but instead we found thunderstorms, good stories, powerful testimony, an old man who traded his wife for the mountains, beautiful wild flowers, and good food.

I’m slowly (very slowly) learning that people are the point. Matt is an excellent chef who’s passion is cooking outdoors over an open flame. I’m glad because food is literally the last thing I think about (if I even remember to think about it) when preparing to go hunting or fishing. So I’m glad to have friends who do think about these things.

We got to my usual spot for spring turkey, set up camp and set out for a scout session before sunset. Matt brought ribeye so I figured it was only proper to earn it by hiking 1,000 ft in a half a mile while looking for birds. The climb is always worth it.

We made it to the top of the ridge in time to see the sun set as well as a thunderstorm moving our way. The sights and sounds was arresting.

Sweaty and thankful we headed back to prep camp for the inevitable and start the steaks we had now earned.

Just as Matt started the fire the storm rolled in. Thunder, lightning, hail, rain. Dinner and a show. Perfect.

As we were cooking (correction, as Matt was cooking) and old man with a white beard pulled up, stepped out of his van with a beer in hand to greet us (on his way home apparently):

”Hope you guys stay dry!

Ive lived up here at 4,200 ft since 2001. My wife loved it until she left.

But its ok, I have a beer! Forget about her!”

With a smile he raised his beer and left.

We ate like kings as we watched the light show travel east strobing like there was a concert in heaven.

A friend once said that “we eat with our eyes.” Not even the darkness could stop my feasting this night.

We woke the next morning, hunted and didn’t see or hear a single turkey. We hiked, sat, called, repeated. Nothing.

I’m learning that God shows up every time when exploring the outdoors. Since God created the cosmos and earth and He formed us from the earth so it makes sense that we become more in touch with our nature as we spend more time in nature.

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Jake Williams

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